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The student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

Parker Henegar

Parker Henegar, Copy Editor

Parker Henegar is a sophomore at Highlands High School, and it is his second year with the Publications program. This year, he is excited to further develop his writing skills and take on the role of copy editor. Parker is also looking forward to wrestling on the varsity team at 138 pounds. Outside of school, Parker enjoys listening to music, caring for his dogs, and spending time with friends. He’s looking forward to a year filled with both personal growth and new challenges.


Content by Parker Henegar
Picture of O.J Simpson in court for the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.

O.J. Simpson dead at 76

Parker Henegar, Copy Editor
April 19, 2024
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