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The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

Emma Hood

Emma Hood

Emma Hood is a freshman at Highlands High School. This is her first year taking a journalism class. She wanted to take the class to learn about photography, specifically sports photography. She loves to read when she enjoys the book but writing is a skill she hopes to improve on. She is a hard worker in, and out of school. This year she has worked really hard on time management this year and getting good grades in school. She is on the wrestling team here at Highlands and really enjoys it. When she isn’t in school or wrestling she likes to play video games, read, and watch TV. She loves the Cincinnati Bengals and likes to watch their games with her family. Her family is very important to her and they will always get put before school and hobbies.

Content by Emma Hood
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