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The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

Jade Farley

Jade Farley

Jade Farley, is a freshman student at Highlands High School. This is her first year taking journalism. Some of the things that she enjoys are traveling, writing, playing piano, and listening to podcasts, and different genres of music. She also has a passion for learning new things, which is why she took this class. she has been writing since the age of 9 and has written several short stories and two novels when she was between the ages of 11 and 13 for fun. Her passion for writing started in 2nd grade when her English teacher scolded her for having her pencil out while the class was supposed to be reading, but when she came over, she noticed that Farley was writing a book. Her teacher at the time confiscated Farley’s book, and after lunch, she told her to stay a little after class at the end of the day for a brief discussion, that’s when she told her that she had a writing talent, and the rate she was writing, she could write an entire novel by the time she was in 7th grade. This made Farley realize her ultimate passion for journalism, and therefore, she decided earlier this summer that she was going to take journalism to get her feet in the door of what could be her future career. Jade is so excited to make memories with the people in this class and create some awesome stories for the people of the world to read!!

Content by Jade Farley
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