A unnecessary breakup: Why your home internet stinks

Random Internet disconnects are very frustrating, regardless of the occasion.

There has been a recent drop in limited-access technology. Because of its widespread popularity through marketing on social media, the product will likely be sold out within 5 minutes. Unfortunately, when the website updates, the internet lags, and the product sells out before the user can purchase it.

But why did this happen? When a buyer purchases their internet plan from their reputable local provider, they are promised a stable internet connection without random disconnections. 

When a Highlands Student was asked, he responded harshly about his current internet situation. “It goes out regularly at like 8 to 10 PM every night. I’m not like, joking at all, this is a real problem that I have. It’s a daily occurrence.” said Junior Joel Lippolis.

The reason for these unexpected occurrences could be the cluttering of network traffic. 

According to Microsoft, “When a television commercial mentions a website, many people might try to visit the site simultaneously. If the website isn’t prepared to handle the traffic.”

In the aforementioned example, a possible reason for disconnection, as usual, a product’s exclusivity is fueled by professional marketing, meaning that overwhelming the website with an excessive amount of traffic could realistically happen. 

Another reason for this is a DDoS attack. DDoS stands for “distributed denial of service”, and occurs when thousands of computers are turned into “zombies”. Then they all try to connect to a website to crash it.

According to Cloudflare, “from a high level, a DDoS attack is like an unexpected traffic jam clogging up the highway, preventing regular traffic from arriving at its destination.

The incoming traffic from “zombie” computers is generally too much for the servers that the computer is trying to connect to, so the page doesn’t load for anyone. A DDoS attack can also slow down the infected computers, resulting in a congested network.

The reason the internet slows down at the worst moments could be any of these reasons, but usually, the reason for these disconnects is simply the quality of the network provider.

According to Fastmetrics, the internet in two developed countries, Spain and the United States, is drastically different. In the United States, the average internet speed is quicker. This is an example of the difference in internet quality.

The difference is usually in the transmission hardware conditions. These are not specifically the same every time, but usually have to do with the thickness of the home’s walls or the quality of fiber-optic cables on the street. 

Regardless of why the internet slowed down temporarily, the best way to avoid this from occurring is by ensuring that the home in which the router is installed is relatively new and using the internet in hours of less heavy traffic, at night or in the morning, to ensure that the critical activity is not interrupted under any circumstances.