FCCLA plans Homecoming, scheduled for September 21
Formals, friends, and dancing all have one common thread: Homecoming. This remarkable event sets the stage for the rest of the year. Dances such as this one can easily lift the spirits of a stressed teenager, as grades, jobs, and internal changes all cause tension. With over 1,000 high school students attending, the process of planning and managing Homecoming can be a bit of a challenge.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) advisor Mrs. Marlee Barton describes her experience with the planning of Homecoming, saying, “The FCCLA executive council decides the themes that they possibly want to do and the members get to vote on that. So it’s usually like a three-week process for Homecoming to be planned.” This year, the committee decided on the theme of “Starry Night.”
FCCLA plans many different events throughout the school year, using money raised from the events to donate to foundations such as the Sepsis Alliance.
Senior Megan Stevens, FCCLA President, has plenty of influence over how Homecoming is arranged and takes great pride in her role.
“One of my favorite parts is being in charge of the dance. So, if I have a certain way I want Homecoming to be, such as certain music or a certain look, then I have the ability to change that,” Stevens says.
She expresses that Homecoming is a great way to bring students together who may not exactly be familiar with each other. Without the perks of this dance, there wouldn’t be the same connection between grades.
Homecoming creates unforgettable memories that all classes can cherish for years. From FCCLA advisor Mrs. Ahren Wagner’s perspective, this dance is one that those of any age will be able to enjoy.
“Homecoming is a great way to have those social interactions that [students] have in school, but have them on a different level and at a different event,” Wagner said. “It’s really nice because they get to socially have fun with their peers in a setting different from school.”
The meaning of Homecoming is a lot deeper than music and fancy dresses, though. It’s about the human interaction that blends all students together — an outgoing senior welcoming a shy, timid freshman. For two people who have no connections to befriend each other is a big goal and point of pride for the nest. This is the type of social connection that Homecoming will provide.
Freshman Eden Brumer is thrilled about her first homecoming. She plans on prepping at her friend’s house beforehand, then partying with her friends all night. She says, “Homecoming is an exciting first dance for new students to start the year. It’s good to include everyone and make everybody feel wanted.”
It will be some students first Homecoming, as well as a sentimental last for some.
For Senior Logan Fardo, this will be his last Homecoming. He shares that all of his experiences with this dance have been a lot of fun. “It really kicks off the school year the right way,” Fardo says.
With this in mind, you can guarantee that Homecoming will be no less than perfect this year. Make sure to come out and enjoy all the hard work FCCLA put into planning this event on Saturday, September 21st from 8 P.M. to 12 A.M. at Northern Kentucky University’s Student Union. Tickets are 15 dollars and can be bought online at https://app.myschooldance.com/school_dances/starry-night until Friday, September 20 at 2:45 P.M..