Dear Evie and Dee: Making Friends and Make-up Work

Dear Evie and Dee,


I haven’t had anyone I can talk to and share my school day about so having someone to talk to soon would be awesome.



Lonely at Highlands


Dear Lonely at Highlands,


High school can be a very cliquey place and it can seem very hard to make new friends. Although it isn’t important to be the most popular person or to have a huge group of friends, it is important to have some form of social support. It is extremely hard not having anyone to talk to about your problems or even just the little things that happen in your day. Though making new friends isn’t really the easiest thing, there are some opportunities that can be taken to make it more possible. Joining clubs and sports or getting a job are great ways to meet new people and develop friendships. If this doesn’t seem like a possibility for your schedule, it is still vital to find someone to talk to. This could be a teacher, sibling, parent, counselor, etc. No matter who that is, it is important to find this person for yourself. Remember, they don’t need to be a peer. Just try looking for someone that you can trust and who you know will be there for you.



Evie and Dee


Dear Evie and Dee,


Why is it the school says they care about mental health and complain when we come to school sick but continue to give us so much homework that when you’re sick you’re afraid to miss school and get snowballed by school work.



Stressed and Sick


Dear Stressed and Sick,


If you ever feel sick, it’s important to always stay home from school, unless it is only a small cold or a headache. If you overexert yourself while you are sick, this can only make it worse. The make up work can seem overwhelming, but it is more important to get yourself healthy than to stay ahead in class. For each day that you are absent, you get one extra day to make up everything that you missed. If you don’t feel like you have enough time to finish all of your work, then talk to your teachers. Explain that you were absent, and that you are feeling overwhelmed by the work in the rest of your classes. Most of your teachers will be understanding and may even give you extra time for an assignment. Put yourself first, and your schoolwork second.



Evie and Dee


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