The drama department here at Highlands High School (HHS) embarked on an unforgettable trip to New York City over spring break. The bustling streets became their stage as they took workshops from Broadway actors, toured the Big Apple, and attended Broadway shows.
Just one of the highlights of the trip were the Broadway shows they saw. These shows included The Outsiders, Lempicka, We the People, The Great Gatsby, and Hell’s Kitchen. As curtains rose and the lights dimmed, students got to experience the magic of these shows.
“My favorite Broadway show was definitely The Outsiders, I just really enjoyed that one,” Freshman Lucy Delaney said.
Even while on break, the group still managed to work hard by attending workshops led by actors and actresses that were on Broadway themselves.
In these classes they worked on dancing, acting techniques, and some vocal exercises. The skills learned during their spring break could be applied to plays and musicals done here at HHS.
Senior Treiston Collins explains: “The workshops included a hour and a half choreography session from people that are actually in Broadway shows.”
However, the break wasn’t all work and no play. In between workshops and performances, the group toured the city. They tasted new restaurants, explored the 9/11 memorial, and toured the many other sights of the bustling metropolis..
The trip to New York City was an experience these students will never forget. It was full of friends, memories, and new experiences for them. And who knows? Maybe one day these Bluebirds will return to Broadway, not as spectators, but on the stage themselves!