The music is getting ready to begin. The students gather with their friends and dates to enjoy a beautiful night of laughter and joy. The Winter Ball is ready to begin!
On January 20, Highlands High School will have the winter ball. This will include food, fun music, and fun new experiences.
Students must be academically eligible to participate. All school rules in the Student Code of Conduct apply to school dances.
The tickets are purchased through My School Dance and must be registered using the stu.fort thomas.kyschools email address. Tickets will cost $17 Tickets will be on sale from Friday, January 10, 2025, to Monday, January 20, 2025, at 3 PM. They will NOT be sold at the door.
Students must arrive before 9 PM and are allowed to leave at any time. Once they leave, they are not allowed to return, and we do not contact parents/guardians.
The theme is Northern Lights with the student council working extremely hard to make the dance as fun as possible.
“To plan this event requires a significant amount of contribution from multiple groups of people ranging from students to staff and those who are involved in the dance. We needed to collaborate as a group to decide on a theme, decor, logistical aspects, and much more,” student council leader Shelby Shields (12) said.
Business teacher Elise Carter is also a big contributor to planning the Winter Ball when it comes to getting students’ input to make the dance the best it can be.
“The students that are involved in other clubs were pulled to discuss what they wanted the theme of the dance to be. Runner up was Los Vegas Mascarade which would have been a game night theme with the colors red black and gold,” Carter said.
In a recent student survey, it shows Dillard is the most popular place to shop for dresses and tuxes.
“I am going to the dance because I feel like it will be a fun experience. I enjoy dancing and singing with my friends and making memories,” Kendall Heartness (10) said.
Students are encouraged to bring guests as long as they are in grades 9-12 and they must get and complete a Dance Guest Application.
Completed forms must be turned in to Nikkia Sherrer at the AP Office by January 22, 2025, at 3 PM.