Social Studies Teacher impacts others: Learning about the Holocaust

Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis sought to eliminate the entire Jewish community of Europe, where the Holocaust mainly took place in Eastern Europe, such as, Poland or Ukraine. Jews were murdered by death squads, which were known as, Einsatzgruppen, or were transported to extermination camps. 6 million of the 11 million European Jews perished. 

The Holocaust is an example of mass genocide, which is deliberately killing a large group of people, usually because they are of a certain nationality, race, or religion.

“The suitcases are part of a program called ‘Echoing Voices’ based on the Holocaust and Humanity Center. We talk about the factors that made it possible Nazi party to gain control in Germany and how step-by-step they implemented their anti-Semitic and racist policies to lead up to the policies of the Holocaust,” said HHS Social Studies Teacher Kelly Booth.

They have brought in 6 suitcases filled with items that were used during the Holocaust.

“The most impactful thing about the suitcases is that you feel like you are in the perspective of people that experienced the Holocaust,” said Sophmore Connor Mohr.

When the Nazis came to power in Germany, they did not immediately start to carry out mass murders. However, they quickly began using the government to target and exclude Jewish individuals from German society. Among other antisemitic measures, the Nazi German regime enacted discriminatory laws and organized violence targeting Germany’s Jewish population. 

Antisemitism, which was the hatred of or prejudice against Jews, was at the foundation of the Holocaust and was a basic tenet of Nazi ideology. 

“It’s really interesting to see the clothing and what they had to go through,” said Freshman Caroline Higgason.

These suitcases are something that can inspire most to learn about the Holocaust and how impactful it is on society.