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The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

The official student news site of Highlands High School

The Hilltopper

Sam Hauck

Sam Hauck, Staff

My name is Samuel I’m 15 and I’m a christian, I love to play guitar for church with my best friend/cousin and I play bass at home as well. I have a sister and two cats who I guess act as my audience even if they don’t want to be. I also enjoy writing and art which takes up a little of my free time. If I were to say something interesting about me I tried to be a young Errol Flynn and tried to learn archery and fencing around the same time and if you don’t know who that is he played Robin Hood. But that’s who I am at least that is what I would say is interesting about me.

Content by Sam Hauck
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