5 Fun Things To Do This Summer: Get Out Of The House This Summer

With the summer quickly approaching it’s time to start planning summer events for a more eventful and exciting experience.

Go to the levee with friends.

          Without having school to worry about for the next day, that constant thought of needing to get home to go to bed or finish a homework assignment is no longer in the back of one’s mind. Going to the levee with friends can mean going to the AMC, getting food, or maybe even walking around from store to store. This experience may seem boring alone, however, anything can be fun with the right friends with you.

Newport on the levee, plaza view.

Go to the pool, to get some sun.

          Going to the pool with either friends or family is a great way to get out of the house and have an eventful day in the summer sun. It’s no surprise that the pool is a perfect place to spend a hot summer day to cool off in the nice, cool pool. Don’t forget to pack snacks, sunscreen, your favorite bathing suit, and maybe even a book, and head down to the pool for a relaxing fun-filled day.

People enjoy a cool pool on a hot summer’s day.

Travel America

          The summer is a time to travel, pack the bags, and grab some snacks on the road for an adventure time around the country. Family vacations can bring the whole family closer and help the whole family to get along even just a little more. Road trips are full of adventure and are great for making inside jokes and such. Having your whole family or even friends in a car for a trip.

Speeding to the next destination with a car full of an ecstatic family.

Take a walk

This one is super simple for the home bodies out there. Just get outside, get some sun and soak up some Vitamin D. Going on a walk has so many benefits such as, increasing your cardiovascular health, strengthening your leg muscles, reducing stress and clearing your head.

Someone enjoying the nice summer weather and alone time

Go to Kings Island 

With Kings Island being our next-door neighbor it is a great place to go over the summer for a fun-filled and exciting day. With many choices of fun rides or games to play it is bound to keep you busy all day. With all the food choices and many shops you can go to for a little break from the rides and games in the air conditioning there will be no downtime. Don’t forget to cool off and splash around in the water park.

Kings Island rides for a fun filled game.