Students and teachers alike use Chat GPT for various purposes. Some of those include creating rubrics or getting help on a question someone could be struggling with.
However, this can also open the door to cheating and students getting assignments done without even doing any work. Different schools have found some solutions to try to counteract this problem and one of them is using technology that tracks for traces of AI.
Students at Highlands know the difference between using this technology for cheating and for getting help on an assignment.
“As long as you attempt the question first, then it’s not cheating,” Owen Uhl (9) said.
The website itself is a fairly easy program to navigate for users. Logging in is probably the hardest thing to do just because it requires an email and schools usually do not allow students to use their school email.
“No, you just ask questions or say commands and it answers them,” Uhl said.
Although Chat GPT can be easy to use generally, sometimes the website does not always give the answer users might be looking for. In order to do so, users have to be very specific about what or how they want an answer said.
“No, in order to get the (rubrics) I had to be super specific which I think is an important thing to know,” Spanish teacher, Emily Haffey said.
However, specifics are something Chat GPT excels in. Researching certain topics for an assignment can be hard for students.
Simple searches cannot always give students the closure they need, with Chat GPT they are able to perfectly curate what specific answer they need.
“Especially for kids who aren’t super overwhelmed with school work, it’s an efficient way to possibly get things done,” Haffey said.
Students use this tool to cheat on assignments too. Which is one of the downsides of the website. It is very easy for students to search up a question they are stuck on and put the answer they get instead of going over what steps they should have taken to solve the problem.
“It’s helping to generate ideas for students that they might have not been able to think of before but when they start using the ideas and details that is cheating,” Haffey said.
The impact that Chat GPT could have and already has on education for high school students is astronomical.
From students being able to easily pass through an AP class just by typing in assignments into Chat GPT to students being able to research a topic they are interested in and getting full details that they couldn’t get anywhere else, Chat GPT is a hard topic for schools to conclude on.
“Chat GPT could help improve students’ education by opening up students’ minds a little bit more or exposing them to material that they maybe might’ve not thought of or exposing them to project ideas and things along those lines,” Haffey said.