In 2016, a former Highlands High School student, Nico Thom, founded She Became, a mentorship program designed to empower young girls by connecting them with strong female role models and helping them explore career opportunities.
In the beginning, She Became started with just 10 mentees and 7 mentors. Since then, it has grown into a 510 non-profit organization that has impacted over 1,700 lives across multiple cities such as Louisville, Fort Thomas, and Chicago.
“I founded She Became in early 2016, when I was a junior at Highlands. Our mission has remained consistent from the start – empower girls to embrace their potential and pursue their dreams,” Thom said.
The idea for She Became was created when Thom realized the lack of mentorship and career exposure available for young girls, especially those who lack resources. Her initial vision was simple but would impact many young girls. She wanted to connect young girls with women who have accomplishments in various professional fields to inspire them to see what was possible for their futures.
“Women aren’t always exposed to leaders who come from the same background as them or who look like them. It’s important for young girls to have someone to look up to, a role model who they can relate to,” Lydia Murriner (9) said.
She started her program She Became with only 10 mentees and 7 mentors at Johnson Elementary School. It slowly gained momentum. The main focus of the program is to introduce young girls to different careers especially in industries traditionally dominated by men.
It provides girls with the confidence and support they need to dream big.
The program proved to be a success.
As the program progressed, it expanded to more and more girls and eventually became the non-profit organization it is today.
The center of She Became is to connect elementaries school girls with accomplished women in a variety of fields like medicala field, business, or even construction. The mentees get the chance to explore these fields first-hand through hands-on activities, field trips, and discussions with professional women.
Not only does this program spark interest in different career paths, but it also fosters skills and leadership communication and confidence, seeing women from diverse backgrounds and various successful careers, gives young girls the belief that they can succeed in any fields they choose.
An important part of what She Became is the community engagement and donation drives. These efforts include organizing school supply drives, winter coat donations, and holiday toy drives all aimed at providing resources for children, who may not have access to basic tools they need to succeed. These drives support students in need while also encouraging a spirit of giving in community involvement among the program’s participants.
As She Became continued to grow its mission, their goals evolved with it. Thom’s vision for the future for She Became is to scale the organization to reach even more girls across the country, ensuring that no girl is limited by the lack of resources or mentorship. She hopes to continue strengthening partnerships with schools, businesses and other community organizations to provide more career, exploration and leadership development for young girls.
Additionally, She Became aims to expand their volunteer network, bringing more mentors and role models to guide the next generation of female leaders.
“My ultimate goal is to create a movement that fosters confidence, leadership, and ambition, ensuring girls know their dreams are possible,” Thom said.