A new year counts as a new start, which for many people means new goals and expectations. New Year’s resolutions are a popular way to begin a healthier lifestyle, especially after being cooped up at home during the cold season.
Typical New Year’s resolutions involve health. Student-athletes focus on goals surrounding sports in hopes of better performances for upcoming seasons. With a better lifestyle, it becomes much easier to see improvements.
“My new year’s resolution is to really focus on track, going to the gym, getting in shape, a diet, and really working on my health,” Evelyn Hopping (12) said.
Even in a variety of sports, a better diet is still desirable. Athletes in a wide range of sports want to set goals to improve their day-to-day practices.
“I want to eat healthier so I can feel better when I wrestle,” Kayson White (9) said.
With the increase in popularity surrounding energy drinks and caffeinated beverages, it’s not uncommon to see them throughout the school day.
“I want to overall quit my caffeine intake,” Adriana McCafferty (9) said.
It is easy to want something but it’s much more difficult to act on it. An important part of resolutions is the planning and accountability that comes with it.
“I’m going to keep track of all my workouts and my meals. I’m doing it with friends and we will push each other and keep each other motivated,” Hopping said.
Planning does not always mean meal prep or following an exact path. Sometimes it means remembering why the goals were made.
“Well, you make a New Year’s resolution for a reason so you just have to remind yourself why you made that goal,” White said.
Only a month into the new year, the majority of resolutions have been broken.
The new year brings new pressures which causes people to not stick to their goals. People tend to give up on or forget about their New Year’s resolutions by January 20.
“I didn’t really hold myself accountable even though I reminded myself of why I made the resolution,” McCafferty said.
Resolutions are a great way to start fresh, often offering a new perspective through goals.