For the longest time, humans have created.
Whether it was art or articles, humans have had the urge to create and think of ways to do it. As students get older, they see technology advancing which has now been processed into artificial intelligence (AI).
Art has been a major factor in history and now as it continues to progress and evolve. The increased ability of AI poses many issues regarding careers and ethics in the art and English industry.
“Art is everywhere. It’s in everything from our clothes to our shows. To the set up of your bedroom to the posters on your wall, music advertisements, art is everywhere,” art teacher Stephanie Beiting said.
Because art is so expansive, there are so many different ways to use it.
With every artist using art differently, it presents a new challenge because now artificial intelligence has been programmed to be able to do all of it.
“It’s really a personal preference. I think that art is so wide and vast and there’s so many ways to express yourself. It’s not just visual media, but also photography, music and dance. I think people just find themselves in it,” Addison Tallent (12) said.
Many people need some sort of outlet for their creativity and that can come in many different forms. It can destroy or overpower ideas, but it can also help throughout the brainstorming process, if used correctly.
“If you use it responsibly, it makes it a lot easier to problem solve when being in a mental block from the process of the writing,” Emma Hood (10) said.
Because AI is capable of helping people come up with ideas, it will help human creativity be pushed further. With just a simple prompt, people can get an infinite amount of ideas to help continue the tradition of art and expression.
“I think art is just a fundamental part of human nature. I mean since 40,000 BCE we have created art, we taught our children how to express emotion and learn the world around them through art,” said Addison Tallent (12).
Art has been passed down among generations. When one takes away from human creativity, people lose that personal connection. While it may be useful, AI can tear down the real human emotion and talent that has been built up for years.
“I feel like a lot of the times you can lose the voice of your writing, in the past even before AI if people plagiarized, for example, I could tell even before they turned it in because it did not sound like their writing,” Assistant principal Jennifer Nash said.
Using AI in a responsible and ethical way can be helpful. People have learned to use AI to their advantage for not only ideas but also for adding more to a story or a piece of art.
“I was definitely not someone who was afraid of it. I think it is amazing the stuff that it can do so I was always willing to try things with it. I had a kid put his line of poetry into an AI image generator and it created something specific for that line of poetry,” Nash said.
AI has many different ways to be used. While it is able to do basic writing, it is unable to use that emotional factor throughout its pieces. When using artificial intelligence, it is important to be careful and make use of human emotions in written pieces.
“I like my letters to sound like me, I have not been able to use AI with that because like if kids ask me to do a letter of recommendation it is because I know them personally,” Nash said.
Artificial intelligence will never be able to do what the creative mind can do. Emotion is a large part of art. Using artificial intelligence takes this emotion away, and can make art less impactful.
“I do think AI can do the same in a similar aspect. I think that what makes art art is the human mind and the human soul. Nothing will ever be the same as human-made emotion and art,” Tallent said.
While artificial intelligence in society shows many different mixed emotions, it is not all bad. As humans are creative and use this ability to create art and writing pieces. Because art is so vast, people may even consider coding as an art form.
“I feel like the art is whoever created the robot to do all of the painting. I think there’s more to it. It’s not just the robot making the art, I mean you have to be creative to do coding as well.. who’s to say it’s not art? Like what they make, they’re creating something. But they’re being told what to do by someone else,” Beiting said.